


ABNW Ent is an independent management and record label to prepare artist of all backgrounds to have a fair chance in the entertainment business. ABNW ENT will build and create a connected community to provide a safe environment to keep people all ages off the streets while having a good time.





ABNW ENT will help people to respond to change and action by motivating, inspiring, and exciting them through their musical talents. The goal is to organize events and activities to help men and women better themselves with a more positive way of living by expressing their talents. 

Andrews had his first born when he was just 18 years of age. A young black man tryna figure life out. He knew he had to become bigger! His purpose is to build a Legacy / Empire that will feed the next 3+ generations after his is over. Andrews wake up everyday working towards his legacy, & one day it will pay off! 

Words from the CEO Andrews " I know this because I have the perfect plan, AMERICA will know who ABNW Ent is... I Promise "